Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Kelly & Laura

Kelly & Laura had some pretty common issues in their back yard.
Heavy Shade - Poor Drainage - Failing Retaining Wall -
Minimal Usable Space.
Add to that a new baby that had nowhere to crawl and stretch his legs.

Enter Legacy Outdoor Living...

Synthetic Turf - Landscape Fabric - Mulch

LED Putting Cups

Hardscapes - Dry Creek - Fieldstone Steppers

Modular Block Retaining Wall

Master's Party

Set Up


Kelly & Laura are a what we consider the "Ideal Client". They let us propose a concept, they built upon that idea and than let us "Execute" the design. When that happens, we are left with a productive process that allows the team members to do their job as scoped. Thank you Kelly for trusting 
Legacy Outdoor Living with your back yard project. Enjoy pal. 

Nelson Bonilla

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