As a Landscape Design / Build group we are always looking for new services and products to help us better serve our clients and synthetic turf has been on our radar for quite some time.
We have met with countless reps and suppliers but never felt quite right, until now...
Enter XGrass® Lawn. Leading the industry in Synthetic Turf Innovation.

Enter XGrass® Lawn. Leading the industry in Synthetic Turf Innovation.

Athletic Fields - Dog runs - Play Areas
The "DuraFlow" backing allows for a 100% permeable and drain-able surface.
The XGrass® system was created to imitate a traditional turf in every way.
With these fine attributes you would think that would be enough to convince us to team up with XGrass® Turf... Not even close.
XGrass® Turf will help Legacy Outdoor Living provide you with an assortment of different Synthetic Turfs to choose from:

All of the products and features I've mentioned are superior to any existing synthetic turf supplier and or installer. But it is my opinion the following information and product is what truly set XGrass® apart and brought to light how inferior all other synthetic grasses are.
The InFill System
The SofTrak® system integrates a unique in-fill system called RQS-2000 into the fibers of the turf to create a natural feel and softness in any of the XGrass® products. Our competitors use ordinary sand and or crumbled rubber as an in-fill, which causes the putting surface to compact and harden over time and give off an odor when heated by direct sunlight. RQS-2000 is an exclusive product developed by XGrass® Worldwide Turf Solutions specifically for Putting Greens, Landscape Turfs and Play Areas that is made from a specially formulated blend cleaned and size graded round quartz and is designed to keep all XGrass® surfaces soft.
The XGrass® system was created to imitate a traditional turf in every way. We begin by excavating and compacting the site and overlaying a special geotextile fabric to help stabilize the sub-base. We then construct a two-layer, compacted crushed stone flex-base and compact it completely. Next, we contour the surface to your specifications.
The "DuraFlo backing system allows for a 100% Permeable drainage surface.
The "DuraFlo backing system allows for a 100% Permeable drainage surface.
Legacy Outdoor Living
Nelson Bonilla
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