Another hot Summer behind us and I know I'm not the only one waiting for some cooler weather. But our work is not over. Along with cooler days comes our Fescue Lawns. Boy have they taken a beating during our blazing Summer.
Lawn Aeration is going over the entire lawn with motorized power aerator that pulls out plugs from the ground, about 3 inches in length, as it passes over. This creates access to the soil and roots under your lawn. The time to do this is quickly getting here as text book says we should start aerating and re-seeding Fescue September 1st. And you should leave yourself 4-5 weeks of growing time after you aerate. Don’t wait till the last minute when there is a mad rush to take care of the landscape before the cold weather comes.
Relieving compaction allows a few things to happen:
Once we allow for proper infiltration than nature takes it's course.
- Deeper water penetration.
- Fertilizer reaches deeper into the root system.
Fescue Aerate & Re-Seed.

Nelson Bonilla
Legacy Outdoor Living
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